With the world moving around us at an ever-changing speed, we get caught up in the tides and forget about the shore far behind us. Sometimes we forget to slow down and smell the roses growing slightly to the left of our lives. The roses which have thorns and prick our fragmented fingers as we approach the magnificent blossoms, but none the less smell as fragrant as the dew at dawn. On occasion, I sit on the step near the front edge of the back porch and contemplate within the surrounding nature. I glimpse at the ants as they march across the barren path, carved by the enduring feet of a million loved ones. I smell the fresh roses as they blossom to life and hear the buzzing bees collect their sweet nectar. The sounds of the lawn mower startle me to reality as I begin to smell the cool fresh scent of cut grass. The wind blows the scent softly to me as I glance towards the bright blue sky. As I settle in and draw in the soft dirt at my feet, the wheels in my head turn and turn. The wheels turn slow and steady, as I watch a mother cat gently holding her newborn kitten by the scruff of their neck. As the wheels continue to turn, I ponder our human lives and their meaning in the wide expanse of the universe. I smell the rich scent of the earth as the day progresses and the world continues to revolve around the sun. The sun, our source of heat, and warmth, and life. Just as the sun breaths life into the earth, the earth breathes death into the creatures who inhabit it. A power far beyond the comprehension of mortals takes the very breath we have been granted and gives it into the earth’s crust.
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